Porpathon 2016!
Welcome to the 2016 Porpathon! - the first-ever region-wide Marine Wildlife Observation Blitz. Porpathon observations will take place all day Saturday, October 1, 2016. Members of the public of all ages and abilities are invited to participate for an hour or two—or all day. Observe at one of several designated lookouts, from the water by kayak or boat, or from land anywhere that affords a view of the saltwater (public land, private land with owner's permission, or your own home). The more the merrier, so bring your friends and family!
These day-long and region-wide wildlife observations will provide an important snapshot of the local marine environment to assist Pacific Biodiversity Institute research into alleviating human-caused stress on the Salish Sea. Identification information and additional details will be provided to all who sign up.
Then, report your sightings of harbor porpoises, harbor seals, seabirds, and other wildlife via email or the iNaturalist app for iPhone and Android (http://www.inaturalist.org/projects/porpathon-2016). Plus, join the excitement on social media by posting sightings and photos tagged with #porpathon2016. Contact us to sign up: porpoise@pacificbio.org, or call 360-299-2821 or 509-996-2490.
See below for downloadable information, maps, instructions and forms for the Porpathon
Downloadable Maps, Information, Instructions and Forms the Porpathon
Marine Wildlife Identification Guide (2016). This is an illustrated identification guide to marine mammals and some of the seabirds that you will be observing and monitoring. It is a PDF document, so you will need a PDF reader, like Adobe Acrobat.
Directions, descriptions and maps to marine observation locations around the region. This is a guide to numerous excellent marine observation locations on public land around the region where volunteers are observing marine wildlife and collecting observational data on porpoises and a host of other marine species. Feel free to observe from other locations in the Salish Sea, as well. We are "on the lookout" for new places to observe marine wildlife in the region, so let us know about your favorite locations that aren't listed here!
Note: If you are already a trained observer, you may use the protocol and datasheet below for your Porpathon observations.
Region-Wide Harbor Porpoise and Marine Wildlife Observation Protocol and Guide (2016). This document describes the methods and protocols you will use for observations across the Salish Sea at various locations. It includes all the info you will need for your observations. It is a PDF document, so you will need a PDF reader, like Adobe Acrobat.
Data Sheet and Blank Observation Form to Collect and Submit Regionwide Observational Data (2016 Aug. 23). This is the observation form to use if you are a trained observer. Download and save a blank copy to your computer so you can print out more copies to bring to the observation site. Use another copy to enter the data and use the ‘save as’ function to save the file with the date and your name as the filename (eg 080414ObserverLastName).Download it here as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Or download it here as a PDF document that you can print and take with you.
Thank you for your help!
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Copyright © Pacific Biodiversity Institute
PO Box 298, 517 Lufkin Lane
Winthrop, WA 98862 509-996-2490