2010 News and Events - Fall Archive


Event: Western Gray Squirrel Ecology and Conservation in the North Cascades, October 5, 7:30-9:00 PM

Come to the Twisp Grange for an interesting evening focused on western gray squirrels in the Methow Valley and surrounding North Cascades. Four scientists from PBI and the University of Washington will discuss the ecology and conservation of the squirrel and on-going research focused on helping this state threatened species. See the poster for the event...

Craig Olson, PhD

joined the PBI Board of Directors this summer. Craig has worked in natural resource research and management for over 35 years in state and federal natural resource agencies in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California. Craig received his PhD degree in wildland resource science/biometrics from UC Berkeley and his MS in Forest Fire Management from the University of Washington. Craig is an avid bird watcher, who also loves hiking, backpacking, and nature photography.

Kim Romain-Bondi, our senior wildlife biologist

is embarking on a new adventure. Along with her husband, Steve, and their children Amelia (6) and Emmet (2), the Bondi family are now the owners of the North Cascades Basecamp, a lodge and facility situated along a particularly beautiful section of the Methow River above Mazama. They are operating as a nightly rental with meals provided, as well as an Ecology Center with educational activities and gatherings in support of the Basecamp’s mission “to inspire and cultivate connections to the natural world through art, education, and field study programs”. You can learn more about her new adventure, book a reservation or take a class by contacting her at 509-996-2334, or by visiting their website: www.northcascadesbasecamp.com

Tussock moths and forest health in the Methow Valley

While people may worry that the tussock moth will defoliate trees, it is important to understand the ecology of our forests and the role the tussock moth plays. Tussock moths in the Methow Valley defoliate Douglas-fir trees, but do not harm ponderosa pines or deciduous species, which are usually the dominant trees in the privately owned areas. Douglas-fir trees have often grown into these forests, but are not naturally dominant here, and can lead to unhealthy forest conditions. Read more about the tussock moth and Pacific Biodiversity Institute's recommendations in this article in the Methow Valley News...

Western Gray Squirrel Research Project

Asako Yamamuro, Ph.D., begins six month western gray squirrel internship.

Asako joined our research team in March, after finishing a Ph.D. at OSU, to pursue an interest in conservation ecology. More...

Community garden begins second year in 2010 with a bumper crop of lettuce. As part of our Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture initiative, we dedicated 1/10 acre at our Winthrop office to a community garden. Our staff and some other people in the community are growing a variety of vegetables this summer using sustainable, organic gardening practices. Spring activities included soil preparation, compost addition, and planting. Whether it was the cool spring weather or the higher precipitation levels, we grew so much lettuce that we have been donating surplus heads to the Cove Food Bank in Twisp each week. The garden is open to anyone who would like to participate. More...

2010: Year of Biodiversity

The Convention on Biological Diversity announced that 2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB). This event was highlighted in a recent editorial in the journal, Science. Find out what you can do during the IYB.

Copyright © Pacific Biodiversity Institute
PO Box 298, 517 Lufkin Lane
Winthrop, WA 98862 509-996-2490