The Conservation GIS Consortium

Conservation GIS Consortium Members
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) make possible, for the first time, truly interactive collaborations among resource managers, policy setters, scientists and stakeholders. There is, however, a significant problem that must be addressed: Who will instruct people in the use of these technologies? And who will see to it they are available to everyone? For only when everyone is playing with the same deck of cards will the full potential of these tools be realized to contribute as they should, not simply to the technical but to the social resolution of natural resource issues.
- Dr. Jerry Franklin
Professor of Ecosystem Analysis
University of Washington
The Conservation GIS Consortium is an association of NGOs that provide technology training and management support services to nonprofit conservation organizations using geographic information systems (GIS) in North America. The Consortium was established in 1994 to enhance the ability of its members to provide GIS support services to its constituents, promote collaboration among its members to extend the frontiers of conservation GIS applications, and encourage the formation of new organizations and programs which further the Consortium's mission in unserved or underserved areas.
Although each member of the Conservation GIS Consortium provides GIS support services defined by the particular needs of its constituency, several themes unite them:
- Education, building the knowledge and skills of conservation organizations and resource managers in the use of GIS;
- Access, facilitating hands-on use of GIS technology for environmental analyses; and
- Suppport, providing affordable and expert assistance tailored for conservation organizations.
The Conservation GIS Consortium is working in three main areas:
- Developing GIS training curricula for conservationists; See CGIS Starter Kit
- Facilitating grants of hardware and software to non-profit conservation organizations
- Developing coordinated strategies to promote public access to spatial data produced by natural resource management agencies.
The members of the Conservation GIS Consortium are: Interrain Pacific (Portland, OR and Juneau, AK), GreenInfo Network (San Francisco, CA), Pacific Biodiversity Institute (Winthrop, WA) and the Sierra Biodiversity Institute (North San Juan, CA). Membership is open to NGOs dedicated to providing GIS training and support for conservation organizations in North America. Associate membership is open to all who support the Consortium mission and goals.
Establishment of the Conservation GIS Consortium is made possible by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
Copyright © Pacific Biodiversity Institute
PO Box 298, 517 Lufkin Lane
Winthrop, WA 98862 509-996-2490