Wildland Studies

Pacific Biodiversity Institute has been studying and mapping wildlands since 1993. These reports are in PDF format.

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These reports are based on field studies, GIS analysis and remote sensing applications. The objectives of the studies were to locate and map roadless areas and wildlands. We also analyzed the wild areas for their conservation potential and biodiversity attributes.

Publications on Wildlands and Roadless Areas

Wildlands of South America

Initial map of the mega-wild of South America

South American Wildlands and Biodiversity Project

Wildlands of the United States of America

Wildlands of the United States, 2001.

Return of the Wild, 2001

Wildlands and Roadless Areas in Washington state

Unprotected Wildlands in Washington State, an Analysis of their Current Status and Future under Current Management Direction, 1998.

Map of Roadless Areas in Washington State, 1998.

North Cascades Ecosystem Biodiversity Analysis, 1995-1996.

Chelan-Sawtooth Additions Wilderness Study Report, Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests, 2000.

Foggy Dew Wilderness Study Report, Okanogan National Forest, 2000.

Golden Horn Wilderness Study Report, Okanogan National Forest, 2000.

Little Bridge Creek Wilderness Study Report, Okanogan National Forest, 2000.

Noisy-Diobsud Additions Wilderness Study Report, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, 2000.

Sandy Butte Wilderness Study Report, Okanogan National Forest, 2000.

Roads and Roadless areas in the Great Lakes Region

Hiawatha National Forest, Michigan, Effect of Roads and Roadless Areas, 2006.

Ottawa National Forest, Michigan Effect of Roads and Roadless Areas, 2006

Superior National Forest, Minnesota, Roads, Trails and Roadless Areas, 2004.

National Monument proposals

Scientific justification for Columbia Mountains National Monument, 2000.

Scientific justification for Proposed Medicine Mountain National Monument, 2000.

Landscape Analysis of Proposed North Cascades National Monument, 2000.

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