Report Background

Pacific Biodiversity Institute has been inventorying State parks in Washington and Oregon since 2004.

These reports in PDF format were commissioned by the Washington Parks and Recreation Commission and the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

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Report objectives

The reports on these pages are based on field studies conducted in State Parks in the Pacific Northwest. The objectives of the studies were to locate and map rare plants, describe vegetation communities, and ecological conditions, and document the presence of any invasive species.

aileen on log

Reports on State Parks - Ecological Condition and Rare Plants

Sections in this document

Western Washington Parks

Belfair and Twanoh State Parks

Blake Island State Park

Clallam Bay Spit County Park

Dash Point and Saltwater State Parks

Dosewallips State Park

Federation Forest State Park

Fort Flagler, Mystery Bay and Kinney Point State Parks

Fort Worden, Fort Townsend and Anderson Lake State Parks

Grays Harbor North (Bottle Beach, Grayland, Twin Harbors, Westhaven, and Westport Light State Parks)

Grays Harbor South (Damon Point, Griffith-Priday, Ocean City, Pacific Beach State Parks)

Green River Gorge State Parks

Hoko-Cowan State Park

Larabee State Park

Lewis and Clark and Ike Kinswa State Parks

Lewis and Clark State Park

Long Beach Peninsula State Park Properties

Miller Peninsula State Park

Nisqually-Mashel State Park

Seaquest State Park

South Puget Sound State Parks (Eagle Island, Harstine Island, Hope Island, Jarrell Cove, McMicken Island, and Squaxin Island State Parks)

Saint Edward State Park

Eastern Washington Parks

Recommendations for Sampling Design and Scope of Work for Forest Health Assessments in Washington State Parks

Alta Lake State Park

Bridgeport State Park

Conconully State Park

Columbia Plateau Trail

Daroga State Park

Doug's Beach State Park

Fort Simcoe State Park

Klickitat Rail Trail State Park

Lake Chelan State Park

Lake Easton State Park

Lake Newport State Park

Lake Wenatchee State Park

Maryhill State Park

Palouse Falls State Park

Pearrygin Lake State Park

Potholes State Park

Riverside State Park

Sacajawea State Park

Squilchuck State Park

Steamboat Rock State Park Proposed Campground Expansion Areas

Sun Lakes State Park

Wenatchee Confluence State Park

Mt. Spokane State Park

Mt. Spokane State Park Forest Health Assessment 2007

Mt. Spokane State Park Forest Health Assessment Appendix M 2007

Mt. Spokane State Park - Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat Survey of Mt. Kit Carson

Mt. Spokane State Park - Trails, Recreation and Wildlife

Mt. Spokane State Park - Habitat Unit Map

Mt. Spokane State Park - Wildlife Habitat for 21 Focal Species

Mt. Spokane State Park - Impact of Proposed Trails on Wildlife

Mt. Spokane State Park - Impact of Proposed Trails on Vegetation

Mt. Spokane State Park- Impact of Parking and Maintenence Facility on Vegetation and Wildlife

Mt. Spokane State Park - Cumulative Effects Analysis

Mt. Spokane State Park - Proposed Actions from a Landscape Perspective

Oregon Parks

Bonnie Lure State Park - Oregon

Milo McIver State Park - Oregon

Mollala River State Park - Oregon

Tryon State Park - Oregon

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