Publications on Marine Wildife and Ecosystems
Studies of Marine Wildlife
PSEMP Marine Waters Workgroup. 2016. Puget Sound marine waters: 2015 overview. S. K. Moore, et. al., Aileen Jeffries contributed a paper to this publication – in preparation.
PSEMP Marine Waters Workgroup. 2015. Puget Sound marine waters: 2014 overview.
S. K. Moore, R. Wold, K. Stark, J. Bos, P. Williams, K. Dzinbal, C. Krembs and J. Newton (Eds). Aileen Jeffries contributed a paper to this publication.
PSEMP Marine Waters Workgroup. 2014. Puget Sound marine waters: 2013 overview.
S. K. Moore, K. Stark, J. Bos, P. Williams, J. Newton and K. Dzinbal (Eds). Aileen Jeffries contributed a paper to this publication.
Jeffries, A. 2014. Land-Based Observations of Harbor Porpoise in Burrows Pass, 2011 to 2013, Pacific Biodiversity Institute, Winthrop, Washington. 23 p.
Jeffries, A. 2012. Passive Acoustics: An effective monitoring technique for the harbor porpoise, Pacific Biodiversity Institute, Winthrop, Washington. 15 p.
Jeffries, A. 2011. Harbor Porpoise Observations in Burrows Pass - December 2009 through December 2010. Pacific Biodiversity Institute. Winthrop, Washington. 27 p.
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